Brisa MP es una artista transmedia que trabaja desde diferentes lenguajes artísticos sin reconocer límites disciplinares. Su trabajo se ha enfocado en las Artes Mediales y el cuerpo desde los inicios del Siglo XXI.
© brisa_mp_
Brisa is a Chilean transmedia artist based in Barcelona who works in a variety of formats, such as Performance/ Dance Installation, Site-specific Interventions, Video Art, Generative Art, Artificial Intelligence, and Interactive Installations, which she has accompanied with user manuals and theoretical articles.
She began interdisciplinary artwork in the late 90’s as a student, interweaving visual arts with architecture and the urban context, leading her to blend dance and video in the early 2000s, a creative hybrid approach using her own body and technology.
Brisa’s investigations and pieces address the relationships and intersections between the physical body and technology, rethinking a new combination of the human being moving towards the future, and machines as a species of our ecosystem.
She has analyzed the concept of code, proposing performance/dance composition score as a computer algorithm, and the computer as an artist. Brisa addresses the displacements of [political] power within the arts. She examines collaborative and relational strategies with audiences, interaction with machines, while highlighting technical and creative processes working with error and randomness. Brisa manufactures her own technological tools with low technologies, hardware, and free software and she also likes to collaborate with other professionals.
Last activity:
2023 Posthumanamente Hablando. Pam-Anilla Cultural. Contemporary Art Museum. Chile.
2023 Festival Internacional de la Imagen. Caldas Museum. Colombia.
2022 Thyssen Museum. Málaga. Spain.
2022 Perpretacions, Performance Festival. Barcelona. Spain.
2022 Residence. CCES, Spain Cultural Center. Chile.
2022 The Machine & Person. UOC. ISEA2022 extended. Sala Beckett. Barcelona. Spain.
2022 PDE. Goethe Institut & Teatro a Mil Foundation. Chile.
2021 DHRA. Digital Matters Congress. Humboldt University. Germany.
2021 Dyscorpia Body and Technology exhibition. About Light Gallery, Canada.
2021 Residence. CANODROM Digital Innovation and Democracy. Barcelona. Spain.
2021 ADD+ ART Conferences. Universidad Barcelona. + Idensitat + La Escosesa. Barcelona. Spain.
2021 BIONICA project. ICUB Barcelona Culture Institute, halltown of Barcelona. Spain.
2021 Paratex 52. Hangar, Barcelona. Spain.
2019 LUMO Light Festival-Dancehack. Fine Arts Museum of Oulu. Finland.
2019 Publication. Paper in book TANZ DER DINGE/MOVING THROUGH . Transcript. Germany.
2020 Residence MediaLab. Fàbrica de Creació L’ Estruch. Barcelona. Spain.
2020 Residence. Conde Duque Centrum of Creation. Madrid. Spain.
2019 Residence Interactive Lab. HANGAR. Barcelona. Spain.
2019 BAC, body and image Biennial of Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
2018 IDN PLUS, Image, Dance & New Media. Mercat de les Flors. Barcelona. Spain.
2018 XXVI Central American & Caribbean Meeting for Dance. National University of Costa Rica. San José. Costa Rica.
2018 International Dance Congress. Málaga University. Málaga. Spain.
2017 Residence. CoLaboratorio HUARTE Center. Pamplona. Spain.
2017 Remote Signal Collective exhibition. Estonia.
2017 VESTIBLES II Costumes, Technology and Culture. CCES. Chile
2015-2013 Metabody project. European culture project. EU.
2014 Residence. HANGAR. Barcelona. Spain.
2013 CYNETART Computer based Art Festival. Germany.
2013 ISEA. 19th International Symposium on Electronic Art. Sydney University. Australia.
2013 Residence & Collective exhibition. Fluorecent Screens. Ibero-American Congress of Cultures. eTOPIA Art & Technology Center. Zaragoza. Spain.
2022 FONDART. Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage of Chile. Chile.
2021 BIONICA project. ICUB Barcelona Culture Institute, halltown of Barcelona. Spain.
2020 Residence artistic support. Conde Duque Creation Center. Madrid, Spain.
2020 Artistic Creation Grant of Catalonia. Department- Government of Catalonia. Barcelona. Spain.
2019 IV Research grant of interactive Laboratory of HANGAR. Barcelona. Spain.
2010 Principe Claus Foundation. Holland.
2006 SOGEDA PRIX – IV Dance Biennial of Monaco. Montecarlo. Monaco.
2009 & 2013 DIRAC, Foreign Affairs Ministry. State of Chile. Chile
2007- 2009-2014-FONDART Culture Ministry. State of Chile. Chile
2023 Master in Interdisciplinary Education of the Arts. Barcelona University. Spain
2011-2012 Master in Technology and Aesthetics of Electronic Arts, UNTREF. Argentina.
2006 Postgraduate of Visual Culture Studied and Projects, Barcelona University. Spain.
2001-2004 Dance Pedagogy. Arcis University. Santiago of Chile.
2001 Visual Art Degree. Arcis University. Santiago of Chile.
Cultural manager Caída Libre projects:
INTERFACE Art, Body, Science and Technology Festival
FIVC International Screendance Chile Festival.
BIONICA women, art, technology and society.