ESPACIOS VITALES Interactive Installation

Vital Spaces is a concept that rescue teams used to detect the spaces within buildings where could be possible bodies alive. during the earthquake [ Chile, February 27, 2010] The hybrid and replica conform a body that appears, translates itself and expands… repetition is its inhibition in which nothing is maintained but that which remains.

Espacios Vitales es el concepto que los equipos de rescate de personas durante el terremoto ocurrido en Chile el 27 de febrero de 2010, utilizaban para determinar los espacios dentro de los edificios donde se podía encontrar posibles cuerpos, con o sin vida.

Mounting artwork: Thiago Bejard, Thiago Mahas , Rodrigo de Olivera, Cleunton Santos

Video registry: Emerson Cruz 

Special thanks: Alexandre Veras 

UMBRALTECH exhibition. Chile em Brasil, Brasil en Chile Festival . Fortaleza, Brazil- 2010

Programming, video and instalation: Brisa MP