Territory speaks of geographical borders and boundaries of the body, immigration, and the idea abroad, determined by their difference of class, race or culture.

Territorio habla de las fronteras geográficas como fronteras del cuerpo, la inmigración y la idea de extranjero, determinado por su diferencia de clase, raza o cultura.

The Performance proposed installing intertextual relationships based on fragmentary operations produced by the manipulation of the speaches, based on an interactive real-time system designed at the Max / Jitter platform enabled through movement of my body and tracking ligh signal for intervening and send the sequences videos. 

The Performance proposed installing intertextual relationships based on fragmentary operations produced by the manipulation of the speaches, based on an interactive real-time system designed at the Max / Jitter platform enabled through movement of my body and tracking ligh signal for intervening and send the sequences videos. 

Concepto y performance: Brisa MP – Diseño interactivo: Rudolfo Quintas y Brisa MP – Actualización de programación y sistema lumínico en el cuerpo: Brisa MP-

Sistema programado en : Max Msp/ Jitter – Registro en video: Leonardo Gamboa – Edición de registro : Brisa MP Bienal de Performance Deformes. Chile, 2008.